
How to Make Money Online Blogging

Time ago people use to start a blog as a personal hobby, but nowadays more and more people would like to make money blogging.

The truth is that not everyone will make even the bucks needed to pay the monthly hosting bills.

If you want to be one of the few bloggers that can really make money online you have to think about something different, build a niche site or an unique project and grow up a sustainable traffic that grow over time (see related article in archieve, How to grow traffic in your blog).

You will need dedication, creativity, persistence and patience, but above all passion about the topic of your blog.

Be sure to choose something that you really want to write about every single free moment of your day and you will be sure to have choosen the right topic about your blog.

Here below the steps involved in making money online with a blog.

1. Your Own Domain Name

In order to start a serious online business (and you better do this at beginning), you will need your own domain name.

I suggest you to do it with GoDaddy, the world’s largest domain registrar where you will have your domain name in very few step and at affordable price.

2 . Your Own Hosted Website

It is also better if you have your own hosted website, without the risk, if you use free hosting service, that in the future your website will be removed for any reason.

HostGator is very famous( now hosting over 4,000,000 domains!) and clients are very satisfied : your site is ensured to be up at 99% percent guarantee. They also offer an easy interface (CPanel), a lof or useful tools and free software or themes for your site.

Once you have set up everything with the hosting company, install WordPress in your site (here you can find a very good tutorial on how to make it step by step : Becomeablogger).

3 . Professional Looking Theme

WooThemes are wonderfull if you want to have a professional looking blog or if you just want to differentiate from the most part of traditional available WordPress templates.

The blog theme I use is called Fresh News, and it’s from WooThemes. I highly recommend them and their themes are definitely worth investing in.

"Make Money" words written on a green colored button on keyboard

4. Your Mailing List

Start to build now your mailing list : the group of your “fans”, readers of your blog, enthusiasts like yourself to your blog topic.

At beginning the cost will not cover the revenue, but it will be worth in the future Use Aweber to manage your email subscribers.

Aweber gives you a lot of flexibility. In addition to automatically emailing your subscribers when you have a new blog post, it lets you email them any time, for any reason. This helps you build a deeper relationship with your community by sending special emails.

You can use this for anything from promoting products to giving away free stuff. Get started with Aweber for just $1. 

5. Affiliate Programs

Sign up to good affiliate programs :

  • Google Adsense: The most popular and best pay per click advertising network is run by Google. At beginning in your way to make money blogging Google Adsense is a must to have. Just run the Adsense script on your blog and ads relevant to your content will automatically be displayed.
  • Amazon: it is also a popular and versatile program. Simply link to Amazon related products for affiliate income earning potential. See also related article in archieve, Make money with Amazon as affiliate program.
  • Ebay Partner Network: with Ebay affiliate publisher program, you can link to any specific Ebay auction or link to an Ebay ad based on keywords to get a commission cut of the sales generated. See also in archieve How to make money selling product with Ebay.
  • Linkshare: it is an affiliate program that have a common interface with multiple affiliate programs. LinkShare offers many companies affiliate programs and allows you as affiliate to join and earn commissions.
  • Commission Junction: it is the leader as affiliate marketing program, online advertising  and search engine marketing. They offer very good opportunities for both merchants and affiliates, making easy their relationship and with their experience they offer the best results for its customers. See in archieve How to make money with Commission Junction.
  • Chitika: it is a search-targeted advertising network : their ads can be used alongside or in alternative of Google Adsense. Chitika and Adsense have different ways to display their ads. See in archieve, Make money with Chitika.
  • Infolinks : it is an online advertising company that provides in-text advertising services to website owners worldwide. Infolinks intelligently scans web pages using its dynamic proprietary algorithm and converts carefully selected keywords into relevant Pay Per Click (PPC) in-text ads. You can use both Infolinks and Chitika with Adsense in the same page. See in archieve, Earn online with Infolinks.
  • Clickbank: they are the world’s leading largest distributor of digital products – most of all ebooks and software. You can choose between more than 30.000 products in many categories and their affiliate program is easy to join. You earn a commission on every sale you make trough your affiliate link. See in archieve, How to make money with Clickbank.

6. Sell your Own Product

Sell your own product. It can be an Ebook, a membership to your site or video tutorial.

When you are an expert about something, you can make money with this knowledge.

7. Blogging and Traffic

Start blogging and give traffic to your site.

Always write good content : quality is first suggestion from probloggers.

Learn the tips and tricks of internet marketing, article marketing, social media (see related post, Earn traffic with Digg , Earn traffic with StumbleUpon) guest post strategies and every other way to direct traffic to your blog.

A blog without readers is a dead blog.

A blog without new content is a dead blog.

Blogging should always be a work in progress. You should always be adapting and finding ways to do existing things better.

Even after you have started to generate traffic and establish some readers, you should be constantly trying to figure out ways to increase that traffic.

Always try to learn from experienced people, they will teach you in less time what you can learn by yourself in more time.

Check your competition and learn from them.

Do not be afraid to spy them, because they probably did the same when they started their online business.


Make money blogging is not easy at all, but still you can be one of the few who can do it.

Good luck then and keep up the quality !


  1. This is surely a nice list of Affiliate programs. Thanks for giving me the link to read this awesome post. I think Clickbank is the best from Linkshare network. What do you say about this?

    1. I prefer ClickBank too.
      Even if you need to look well to find a good product to promote.
      Thanks for your comment here, Vivek.

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