How to Create an Office Environment Where People Want to Go to Work

If you are a business owner that is looking for ways to boost staff morale, spending some time looking at the office environment is a great place to start. Research tells us that our immediate working environment has an effect on how we perform, and with that in mind, here are a few innovative ideas to help you make the workplace a little more inviting.

Image Source: Pexels


Lighten the Workload

This can be achieved at very little cost, especially if you enlist the services of a virtual receptionist, who can handle all incoming calls. This will certainly give your office staff more time to focus on other aspects of their work, and with a virtual receptionist in your corner, you can rest assured that all incoming calls are handled in a timely and professional manner. The best virtual receptionist services can be found at, who happen to be Australia’s leading provider, offering a wide range of essential office services.


Office Renovation

This will certainly lift staff morale, especially if you let them have a say in how this is best achieved. It doesn’t have to be a major revamp – adding some fresh flowers and a little wall art will brighten up the office space. Of course, you must also look for practical ways to boost productivity, and by locating filing cabinets in optimum locations, your staff will spend less time looking for important documents. Why not digitalise all your documents? This means that any staff member can instantly bring up relevant documents onto their workstation screen, which will save a lot of time. You also have the benefit of increased floor space, as those bulky filing cabinets can be discarded once and for all, to be replaced by a relaxing seating area.

Image Source: Pexels



The way your office space is illuminated has a direct bearing on the ambience and with some well-placed LED task lighting units and installing dimmer switches on general lighting, you can easily adjust the lighting to suit. Using colour can also make quite a difference with office lighting – a Google image search will provide you with all the inspiration you will need. Here are some innovative office lighting ideas that might prove inspirational.


Positive Messages

Attractive wall art can deliver a powerful message, while adding some much needed colour and depth. Displaying positive messages reinforces positive behaviour and reminds staff about things that matter, helping them to stay focused. The boss’ door should always be open for any staff member and with regular meetings, you can help to create a team spirit and the positive input of your wall art will ensure that this essential team spirit remains.

Image Source: Unsplash


Most office staff are overworked, and by outsourcing the call handling, you are lightening the load on your essential office staff. Couple this with some of the above ideas and your working environment will be more attractive, thus improving morale, and also productivity. Giving your employees a stake in how their environment is designed will always produce positive results and if you aren’t sure how they feel about the workplace environment, you can always put together a short (anonymous) survey, which will reveal any shortcomings.